L’Oréal launches Fit Culture App, a new custom-made mobile app to welcome new employees

Although a recent European study showed that France still has a way to go in terms of employee commitment, several companies are seeking innovative solutions to improve this situation and create better results.

Many factors affect motivation, including corporate culture, a feeling of connection, opportunities to share ideas and opinions, an atmosphere of trust, an individual/collective recognition programme and a sense of community.

The onboarding period plays a key role in the integration process (for 86% of new hires, the decision to remain for the medium or long term is made within the first six months).

Fit Culture is the world's first mobile app designed to help new L'Oréal employees (10,000 per year) understand, decode and master the company's culture within a month. It replaces some of the company's standard initial formalities, which convey an image that is increasingly out of step with a more responsive, connected world.

Each day, newcomers are invited on a simple, playful journey involving information modules about entrepreneurship, agility, networking and collaboration.

puce note For more information: loreal.fr (in French)
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