
vision RH is a newsletter published by the French Directorate General for Administration and the Civil Service (DGAFP). It draws on information sources and reports issued by public administrations, the private sector, international organisations and the press, in several different languages. It aims to provide a broad view of current human resources and civil service initiatives.

The monthly focus of this 44th issue is dedicated to the trends in retirement plans and more particularly to the changes in access conditions, scopes of application and financing methods. As usual, we present you the last trends in several countries on this theme and the inspiring ways in which they are implementing them.
Beyond the news, you will get acquainted with the rejection of violence against women at Legrand and our tribute to Ukrainian public servants, who have become experts in cyber protection.

vision RH was launched in January 2018 and has just passed the 40,000 subscribers’ mark. Throughout the 45 issues published, we aimed to provide you with an overview by presenting a selection of French and foreign initiatives.

Getting retired, our publication will take a break with the ambition to continue to inform you soon. I thank you for your loyalty and your feedback which has made us progress!

Jean-François Adrian,

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