
vision RH is a newsletter published by the French Directorate General for Administration and the Civil Service (DGAFP). It draws on information sources and reports issued by public administrations, the private sector, international organisations and the press, in several different languages. It aims to provide a broad view of current human resources and civil service initiatives.

The monthly focus of this 32nd issue is dedicated to the advantages of the mentoring and more particularly its many assets for the public service. As usual, we present you the last trends in several countries on this theme and the inspiring ways in which they are implementing them.
Beyond the news, you will get acquainted with the "learning organization" set up by Safran and the implementation of a management by quality in Croatia.

We stay at your disposal for your opinions, remarks or suggestions. Do not hesitate to write to us: 

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Have a good reading. Take good care of you and others!

The vision RH editorial team

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