Launch of the "Safe Workspaces" Initiative in the Canadian Public Service

In the most recent employee survey, 18% of federal public servants reported having experienced harassment in the past two years. A working group was formed and formulated its recommendations in the form of the "Safe Workplaces" Initiative. Provisions specific to the civil service will be included in a bill on the prevention and resolution of harassment.


More regulation for teleworking in the Spanish government

Only 7% of Spanish public employees practice teleworking, although 85% would consider doing so if measures were taken to regulate working time. On the basis of these findings, the CSIF, the country's largest public sector union, submitted a proposal to the government, asking it to introduce regulations on working hours, allowing for an effective "right to disconnect".

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European study on work-life balance

In the European Commission's recent study on Work Life Balance, Austria and Denmark shared first out of the 28 Member States. One-fifth of Europeans expressed dissatisfaction. There is high demand for the ability to adjust working hours (65% said they did not have access to it and one-third of the others said they their managers discouraged them from using it).

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