Impact of the digital transition on professions in the Local Civil Service

The French Local Civil Service Centre (CNFPT) is conducting a study to observe the effects of digital technology at local (organisations and professions) and individual level (daily professional life of local and regional staff). An initial, retrospective phase gave rise to a report that noted a widely-varied state of affairs for staff. The forward-looking phase will be carried out at a time where the expected disappearance of certain professions does not yet seem to be on the agenda.


Digital management experiments in Germany

Seven administrations and local authorities of various sizes throughout Germany are taking part in the FührDIV pilot project (Leadership and Team Development in a Digitised Administration). It is organised around four themes: digital management skills, the shift towards virtual (remote) management, collaborative and project-based work, and employee self-accountability.

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A social media policy for Australian public officials

Given the growth of social media, the Australian government is urging its staff to comply with a set of rules based on public service values (impartiality, neutrality, reserve). The policy, which each member of staff must sign, singles out any use of private accounts that could undermine the integrity of the public service.

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