A campaign to attract talented individuals to the German civil service

In an attempt to overcome recruitment difficulties, the federal government is launching an awareness-raising “second step” campaign aimed at the highest echelons of the private sector. Applicants are not subject to any age limit and employers must give equal consideration to internal and external candidates, and select them solely on the basis of their qualifications and experience.


AXA supplements its training system

As a business with a culture of learning, AXA is striving to provide its staff worldwide with training resources while giving them more autonomy to map out their career paths. These massive online open courses (MOOC, which are flexible and which lead to qualifications, are supplementing existing options. An initial review points to significant take-up (20% more certifications of course completion).

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Workshops to foster career development in the Netherlands

The EC O&P (Expert Center Organization and Personnel) of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations has set up collective workshops to prepare staff who so wish for changing positions within the civil service. Four topics are available: building a business network, enhancing candidate profiles, presenting organisational structures from an “employer brand” standpoint and effective communication within a department.

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