New social dialogue arrangements within the US federal government

Three executive orders which were signed in late May will alter relations between the federal government and labour organisations. The two main measures concern an end to union activity during duty hours and to the free use of government property (premises/equipment). The government argues that the public purse should not be used to fund the defence of employees’ rights.


Civil servants in Luxembourg are being offered teleworking options

After an initial review of a pilot project offering the Grand Duchy’s civil servants the option of teleworking one day a week, the Ministry of the Civil Service and Administrative Reform has acknowledged that staff have shown little interest and need to be encouraged, in particular, owing to an ever-widening gap with the private sector. The Ministry’s departments have stated that 2/3 of staff are eligible and that incentive training courses will be rolled out in an attempt to improve results.

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MobilitéS, the “health in the workplace and sustainable employment” app in the Haute-Garonne département

With support from the Fund for the integration of disabled persons in the civil service, the app developed by the Haute-Garonne management centre allows for the profession-based identification of potential areas for career development and mobility by pinpointing training courses and flagging up possible attrition factors.
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