SAP is defending the position of women and addressing everyday sexism in the workplace

Published in the Nr 25 - May 2020

At the Tech for Good Summit in 2018, SAP, Europe’s leading software publisher, made strong commitments to bolster its diversity and inclusion strategy throughout the company.

By adding its name to the group of #JamaisSansElles signatories, the Comex undertook to promote female talent by fostering women’s access to management positions through coaching initiatives and a recruitment process including at least one female recruiter, as well as increasing the number of women in the firm’s total headcount in a business sector which remains male-dominated.

Managers are convinced that this “glass ceiling” can only be broken by doing everything possible to roll back insidious, hurtful and damaging attitudes and behaviour that are obstacles to equality and inclusion.

To do so, the group has elected to become involved in the #StOpE initiative (1), which combats all forms of everyday sexism. It has started by identifying eight priority actions, the first of which is to apply zero tolerance.

Over and above this intangible principle, concrete communication, training, prevention and awareness-raising measures are gradually being rolled out by HR and management, and for each case reported and proven, sanctions are taken against the perpetrators.

The idea is to drive true change to help alter mindsets so that gender equality is a condition for success and fairness.

1 Placed under the auspices of the Minister of State for Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination.

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