Senior Civil Service (SCS) Capability Framework

Introduction to the SCS capability framework

The Analysis Function Senior Civil Service (SCS) Capability Framework has been developed through consultation with a range of professions and senior analysts from across government.

The frameworks present an opportunity for individuals in SCS roles, or individual considering working at SCS level in the future, to consider their own capabilities, the capabilities required by analytical SCS and those capabilities they might wish to develop further. The frameworks can also form part of talent conversations and provide assistance when developing role profiles for recruitment campaigns. The frameworks follow the below core principles:

  1. The Framework comprises common capabilities across the Analysis Function articulating the skills and capabilities required by senior analysts when leading multidisciplinary teams.
  2. Indicators are relevant to all professions that comprise the function equally and are not weighted to any profession.
  3. Some roles may have cross-department / government engagement as a requirement of part or the whole of their role, this needs to be taken into consideration when comparing them to another whose role is entirely Directorate focused.
  4. There are three levels of capability based on the scale and complexity of impact with each level building on the previous level
  5. There is an expectation that those working at Levels 2 and 3 will demonstrate the capabilities at Level 1 or levels below as well as those at the level they are being assessed at.

Analysis Function SCS 1 Capability Framework

Level 1

Strategically operates at a level that demonstrates impact, and embeds approaches and policies across the directorate/division level within the department.

Level 2

Strategically operates at a level that demonstrates impact, and embeds approaches and policies across group, department or organisation dependent on size of the department/organisation and structure.

Level 3

Strategically operates at a level that demonstrates impact, and embeds approaches and policies across department or organisation and wider Civil Service or Public Sector.

SCS1: Accountable for quality, methodology and process of analysis:

Analytical leaders are responsible and accountable for the accuracy of all evidence, data and analysis produced. They set and embed a culture of quality assurance, where all are aware of the relevant codes of practice, standards, frameworks and their use as set out in the appropriate government colour books.

They approach the production and use of evidence, data and analysis with an inquiring mind asking the relevant questions to ensure that the best and most relevant methodologies have been used, working with teams from across the analysis function as well as other professions (including Policy, Operational Delivery and so on) to ensure policy making is grounded in evidence, ultimately ensuring better analysis for better delivery.

Level 1

  1. Uses their knowledge of analytical methodologies questioning those producing analysis to confirm their understanding of data, evidence and results of analysis to check the accuracy of the work and their own understanding.
  2. Where appropriate carries out their own analysis to assure themselves of the accuracy of evidence, data and analysis.
  3. Ensures that clear quality assurance policies and processes exist and checks that these are followed consistently in the production of data, evidence and analysis.
  4. Manages the risks associated with production of evidence, data and analysis.
  5. Understands that it may be necessary to provide quick answers using incomplete evidence, data or analysis and delivers a response balanced between the need for accuracy and a timely response.

Level 2

  1. Advises on the processes and policies needed to improve the quality of data across the whole group / department/ organisation, overseeing the implementation of the required processes and policies.
  2. Supports and provides guidance on the correct use of evidence, data and analysis outside of the analysis teams within the wider group or department or organisation.
  3. Promotes a culture of quality assurance for all evidence, data and analysis advising those in non-analytical professions on how techniques and process used in analysis could assist them.

Level 3

  1. Supports and actively champions the development of methodologies and processes to ensure quality of all public sector evidence, data and analysis.
  2. Promotes quality assurance methodologies, policies and processes they have developed and implemented within department across Government advising how others can implement and benefit from these innovations.
  3. Takes a corporate role across the organisation, taking responsibility for the use of analysis outside of traditional analytical teams or roles.
  4. Has an active role in initiatives run by the Analysis Function or associated professions to develop new data quality assurance methodologies.

SCS1: Communicating, influencing and consulting to ensure analysis is at the heart of decision making:

Analytical leaders place data at the heart of all that is done, promoting its use in the development of policy, analysis of effectiveness of policies and processes, influencing others to encourage greater use of the evidence, data and analysis available. They communicate insight clearly with very senior stakeholders, building relationships with relevant policy, delivery and other profession leaders to ensure the data effectively inform the development of policies.

Level 1

  1. Proactively promotes the use of evidence, data and analysis and acts to place it at the heart of the development of policy within Directorate through the production of accurate, insightful and quality work.
  2. Builds effective working relationships with relevant policy, delivery and analytical leaders demonstrating how the use of analysis and the work of their team can assist those they are working with.
  3. Using robust analysis influences decision making, challenging conclusions drawn and suggests innovative solutions supported by evidence, data and analysis.
  4. Uses analysis and evidence to identify the problem or issue that need to be address, basing potential solutions on evidence, data and analysis.
  5. Clearly communicates the results of analysis and explain difficult analytical concepts simply to non-expert audiences including senior stakeholders internally and externally, ministers and communication colleagues.

Level 2

  1. Promotes and sets the agenda for the use of evidence, data and analysis across the group/ department/ organisation putting it at the heart of all work and projects.
  2. Establishes relationships and networks with colleagues in all parts of the group / department/ organisation seeking out opportunities to improve the use of data and evidence-based decision making.
  3. Uses data, evidence and analysis to identify the key problems or issues the Department should address influencing the development of policy, process and products across the group / department / organisation.
  4. Leads on the clear communication of evidence, data and analysis across the group / department / organisation championing the use of innovative methods to visualise data ensuring it is easily understood by non-expert audiences.

Level 3

  1. Promotes the greater use of data, evidence and analysis across the public sector.
  2. Acts as a translator of analysis in a consistent and extremely effective way when working with ministers and senior stakeholders where necessary challenging ministers and colleagues when evidence, data and analysis is communicated incorrectly or does not support the conclusions being drawn.
  3. Succinctly summarises a complex analytical picture for a clear brief synthesising the information into easily understood communications.

SCS1: Building analytical capability and capacity to deliver:

Analytical leaders are responsible for building analytical capability working alongside the Analysis Function and professions, keeping abreast of developments in their own and other professions. They ensure that resource required to meet their objectives and priorities are in place and the necessary mix of deep professional expertise, skills and knowledge are available and deployed in the most efficient manner.

Level 1

  1. Acts as a role model for continued professional development within directorate, demonstrating commitment to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) by ensuring that they personally meet all CPD requirements.
  2. Demonstrates consistent curiosity in the development of new analytical techniques and innovation methods, keeping pace with new developments within their field, seeks out opportunities to use these techniques and methods.
  3. Champions and communicates the importance of using external data sources and analysis and promotes collaboration across team and directorate.
  4. Promotes the work of the Analysis Function and professions in building analytical capability within Directorate.
  5. Overseas recruitment process and ensures there is the necessary analytical resource, recruitment processes are diverse and inclusive producing results that are representative of wider society.

Level 2

  1. Takes responsibility for building the capability of analysts across the group/department/organisation, actively working with other colleagues to identify and address analytical skills gaps across the department
  2. Participates in Analysis Function and Profession initiatives to build analytical capability within the group / department / organisation.
  3. Champions collaboration and the sharing of data and knowledge where appropriate across departmental boundaries.
  4. Promotes the wider Analysis Function/profession specific capability and capacity agenda with group/ department/ organisation.
  5. Coaches and develops capability across department actively working to achieve an inclusive and diverse workforce reflecting the wider population, understanding how to enhance the capabilities and skills of underrepresented individuals and groups to achieve greater representation.

Level 3

  1. Takes responsibility for cross government analytical capability building, actively acting in a sponsorship capacity for function wide initiatives (setting standards, career frameworks etc.) across the Civil Service.
  2. Acts as a community leader and is focused on building talent across the function, actively participating in committees and initiatives that drive forward capability building across the Civil Service.
  3. Champions and communicates the importance of using external data sources, evidence and analysis across the Civil Service, and collaboration between departments, the private sector, professional bodies and internationally.

SCS1: Setting strategic analytical direction

Analytical leaders set the strategic direction aligning to departmental and ministerial priorities. They promote the use of innovative methodologies and techniques across all professions. They understand the contribution made by each of the professions, ensuring the disciplines are used equitably with all colleagues understanding their roles and responsibilities in delivering against priorities. They look for opportunities to increase the use of evidence, data and analysis, promoting evidence-based decision making.

Level 1

  1. Clearly communicates their vision for the development of analysis in their directorate, ensuring that all are aware of the strategic direction and how it impacts on their work.
  2. Keeps abreast of developments within analysis across all professions, where appropriate implements new methodologies and techniques improving the use of evidence, data and analysis within the directorate.
  3. Understands each of the professions taking the best techniques from each and applying them to the other professions producing innovative evidence, data and analysis.
  4. Anticipates future directorate or divisions objectives and plans recognising the impact these objectives have on the need for analytical resources and puts in place plans to ensure they are met.
  5. Works with other analysts and non-analysts to promote the use of analysis.

Level 2

  1. Champions the use of evidence, data and analysis, for evidence-based policy making across the group / department / organisation.
  2. Pioneers the implementation of technological advances, innovative analytical methodologies and processes in their own area, sharing lessons learned more widely in the department.
  3. Anticipates future group/ departmental or organisation priorities, scanning the horizon and recognising the demands that changing priorities may have on analytical resources and the need for new approaches to evidence, data and analysis and ensures that resources, processes and techniques are in place.
  4. Deploys analytical resources in an innovative manner setting up multi-disciplinary teams across the group/ department/ organisation drawing on expertise from across all professions encouraging the cross fertilisation of techniques, ideas and methodologies.

Level 3

  1. Advocates the use, and implementation, of techniques developed in one profession or department and applies these across other professions and the wider Civil Service where appropriate encouraging innovation.
  2. Supports and works with Analysis Function and professions to promote the use of evidence, data and analysis in all decision making across Government taking an active role in committees, working groups and other project groups.
  3. Leads cross government programmes and packages of analysis, setting a clear vision that cuts across departmental boundaries.

SCS1: Professional Accreditation and Continuous Professional Development

  • Have where required the appropriate professional accreditation as set by individual professions. They promote membership of external professional bodies and accreditation of members of the analysis community.
  • Constantly undertakes Continuous Professional Development ensuring that they meet any requirement for CPD set by the relevant Government profession.

Level 1

  1. Geographers are required to have chartered member status of the Royal Society of Geographers.
  2. Actuaries are required to have Fellow member status of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.
  3. Members of other professions are encouraged to ensure they meet the standards set by relevant professional bodies.

Levels 2 and 3

  1. Geographers are required to have chartered member status of the Royal Society of Geographers.
  2. Actuaries are required to have Fellow member status of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Analysis Function SCS 2 Capability Framework

  • Level 1: Strategically operates at a level that demonstrates impact and sets the analysis agenda across group, department or organisation dependent on size of the department/organisation and structure.
  • Level 2: Strategically operates at a level that demonstrates impact and sets the analysis agenda across department or organisation and wider Civil Service or Public Sector.
  • Level 3: Strategically operates at a level that demonstrates impact and sets the analysis agenda at a wider level than the Civil Service or Public Sector and is recognised at the higher levels of their profession.

SCS2: Accountable for quality, methodology and process of analysis:

Accountable for quality, methodology and process of analysis: Analytical leaders are responsible and accountable for the accuracy of all evidence, data and analysis produced. They set and embed a culture of quality assurance, where all are aware of the relevant codes of practice, standards, frameworks and their use as set out in the appropriate Government colour books.

They approach the production and use of evidence, data and analysis with an inquiring mind asking the relevant questions to ensure that the best and most relevant methodologies have been used, working with teams from across the analysis function as well as other professions (Policy, Operational Delivery etc.) to ensure policy making is grounded in evidence, ultimately ensuring better analysis for better delivery.

Level 1

  1. Advises on the processes and policies needed to improve the quality of data across the whole group/ department/ organisation, overseeing the implementation and operation of the processes and policies.
  2. Challenges colleagues, senior stakeholders and ministers when they use data incorrectly or the evidence, data and analysis does not support the conclusions drawn or policies developed.
  3. Ensures that clear quality assurance policies and processes are implemented within their department and takes responsibility to ensure that they are followed consistently for all data, evidence and analysis.
  4. Partakes and leads within departments initiatives run by the Analysis Function or associated professions to develop new quality assurance methodologies.
  5. Is accountable and responsible for the management and communication of risks associated with production of evidence, data and analysis.

Level 2

  1. Takes responsibility for the use of analysis outside of analytical teams, advising colleagues in non-analytical professions on the best methodologies, quality assurance processes and improving accuracy of data and analysis used.
  2. Sponsors initiatives alongside Analysis Function to improve quality assurance process for evidence, data and analysis across the Civil Service.
  3. Where appropriate introduces new data assurance methodologies and processes to the Civil Service and advises on their best use.
  4. Engages with processes to improve the guidance contained within the Government colour books and relevant codes of practice.

Level 3

  1. Leads the conversation within their government profession, Analysis Function or professional organisation on the development of new techniques to improve the quality of evidence, data and analysis, keeping pace with new developments within their field.
  2. Works closely with their teams to make use of the latest technological developments to champion innovations in methodologies, software and programming tools etc. sharing these results with wider senior analytical communities and professional organisations where it is appropriate to do so.
  3. Actively influences the agenda of the Analysis Function in setting standards, strategies and driving continuous improvement in delivery of analysis across the Civil Service.
  4. Develops innovative methodologies and analytical processes used across Public Sector and wider analytical community.

SCS2: Communicating, influencing and consulting to ensure analysis is at the heart of decision making

Analytical leaders place data at the heart of all that is done, promoting its use in the development of policy, analysis of effectiveness of policies and processes, influencing others to encourage greater use of the evidence, data and analysis available. They communicate insight clearly with very senior stakeholders, building relationships with relevant policy, delivery and other profession leaders to ensure the data effectively informs the development of policies.

Level 1

  1. Communicates evidence, data and analysis consistently in a clear succinct and effective way, consulting with the relevant senior colleagues within their department to ensure understanding of the impact of complex analysis to non-analytical, senior audiences.
  2. Leads and sets the agenda on how evidence, analysis and data are used across their department advising on the best use of evidence, data, and analytical methodologies and processes with very senior audiences.
  3. Ensures that analysis is at the centre of all policy, decision making, evaluation and operational processes by maintaining high quality evidence, analysis and data and by implementing innovative methodologies.
  4. Leads clear communication of evidence data and analysis across the group/ department/ organisation championing the use of innovative, inclusive methods to visualise data ensuring it is easily understood by non-expert audiences.
  5. Translates analysis in a consistent and extremely effective way when working with ministers and senior stakeholders, where necessary challenging these stakeholders when evidence, data and analysis is communicated incorrectly or does not support conclusions being drawn.
  6. Is responsible for the identification, using analysis of evidence and data, of the key problems or issues the department need to prioritise, influencing the development of policy, process and products across the Group/ Department/ Organisation.

Level 2

  1. Proactively engages with Analysis Function and other central initiatives to promote and influence the use of the best analytical process, methodologies, techniques and practices to place analysis at the heart of all public sector decision making and policy development.
  2. Works with other profession leaders particularly within the Digital and Communication communities to improve the communication of government data and analysis and its use in delivering great public service.
  3. Sets the agenda on the use of evidence, data and analysis supporting policy development, decision making and operational process delivery across the Civil Service.

Level 3

  1. Is a leading voice outside of the context of the Civil Service demonstrating the importance of analysis and data, leading the conversation on how data can enhance understanding in a variety of forums both within and outside of the public sector.
  2. With the Analysis Function, leads the agenda to place the use of data, evaluation of delivery and evidence-based decision making at the heart of policy development.

SCS2: Building analytical capability and capacity to deliver

Analytical leaders are responsible for building analytical capability working alongside the Analysis Function and professions, keeping abreast of developments in their own and other professions. They ensure that resource required to meet their objectives and priorities are in place and the necessary mix of deep professional expertise, skills and knowledge are available and deployed in the most efficient manner.

Level 1

  1. Promotes a culture of continuous professional development, acting as role models for learning and development encourages innovation and the use of new techniques across their department.
  2. Is accountable for ensuring the Department has necessary Analytical resource, ensuring recruitment processes are diverse and inclusive producing results that are representative of wider society.
  3. With their senior team, ensures their department has the correct mix of analytical capabilities and skills and workloads are fair and manageable, setting up multi-disciplinary teams that draw on expertise from across all professions encouraging the cross fertilisation of techniques, ideas and methodologies.
  4. Coaches staff and develops capability across their directorate, taking an active role in ensuring teams are engaged, taking a proactive response to people survey results and other assessments of staff well-being and engagement.
  5. Champions and communicates the importance of using external evidence, data sources and analysis, and collaboration between departments, the private sector, professional bodies and internationally.

Level 2

  1. Champions and acts in a sponsorship capacity for cross department analytical capability building initiatives (setting standards, career frameworks etc.).
  2. Builds on and improves the process of continuous development, introduces new innovative analytical methodologies, techniques and process to Government and Public Sector.
  3. Acts as a coach drawing on personal experience to ensure others are comfortable and confident in communicating evidence, data and analysis to ministers and the media.
  4. Takes a corporate approach to wider department level capability building, playing an active role across the department in championing the importance of learning and development at all grades.

Level 3

  1. Actively partners and engages with professional bodies and education institutions to champion best practise and continuous development for analysts both within the public sector and wider professions.
  2. Sponsors Analysis Function capability building initiatives that aim to strengthen analytical capability across government.
  3. Supports the Analysis Function diversity and inclusion agenda, actively supporting our vision to represent the society we serve.
  4. Sponsors the work of the Analysis Function, promoting cross profession development and collegiate behaviour, taking methodologies and techniques used by one profession and applying them to other professions to produce innovative solutions.

SCS2: Setting strategic analytical direction

Analytical leaders set the strategic direction aligning to departmental and ministerial priorities. They promote the use of innovative methodologies and techniques across all professions. They understand the contribution made by each of the professions, ensuring the disciplines are used equitably with all colleagues understanding their roles and responsibilities in delivering against priorities. They look for opportunities to increase the use of evidence, data and analysis, promoting evidence-based decision making.

Level 1

  1. Sets clear analytical direction and vision consistently communicating how the work of their directorate meets the priorities of the departmental and the wider Civil Service priorities.
  2. Ensures analytical resources are in place to meet the Department’s priorities deploying them in an innovative manner setting up multi-disciplinary teams across the group/ department/ organisation drawing on expertise from across all professions encouraging the cross fertilisation of techniques, ideas and methodologies
  3. Anticipates future group or departmental organisation priorities, scanning the horizon and recognising the demands that changing priorities and desire for new approaches to evidence have on analytical resources and ensures plans are in place to meet these challenges.

Level 2

  1. Plans for future demands by consistently scanning the horizon, identifying and anticipating future Government priorities developing plans for how to use these as opportunities for evidence, data and analysis to contribute to the development of long term departmental and Civil Service priorities.
  2. Participates in Analysis Function initiatives in promoting and sponsoring the use of evidence, data and analysis across Government.
  3. Seeks out opportunities to expand the use of analysis, demonstrating its value and highlighting the expertise within the department’s analytical community.
  4. Works alongside leaders of other functions and professions to implement good practise from analysis within their profession or function.

Level 3

Leads the conversation on how evidence, data and analysis can be used to improve the work of organisations, using their networks to promote the use of analysis for better outcomes both within and outside of the Civil Service.

SCS2: Professional Accreditation and Continuous Professional Development

  • Have where required the appropriate professional accreditation as set by individual professions. They promote membership of external professional bodies and accreditation of members of the analysis community.
  • Constantly undertakes Continuous Professional Development ensuring that they meet any requirement for CPD set by the relevant Government profession.

Level 1

  1. Geographers are required to have chartered member status of the Royal Society of Geographers.
  2. Actuaries are required to have Fellow member status of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.
  3. Members of other professions are encouraged to ensure they meet the standards set by relevant professional bodies.

Level 2 and 3

  1. Geographers are required to have chartered member status of the Royal Society of Geographers.
  2. Actuaries are required to have Fellow member status of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.
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